- Connect the monitoring unit to the vehicle's three CAN buses: CAN_1 to the powertrain bus (CAN-Powertrain), CAN_2 to the passenger compartment bus (CAN-Comfort), CAN_3 to the diagnostic connector OBD-2 (CAN-Diagnostic);
- Connect power from the on-board network to the GNSS Tracker;
- Configure the configuration of CAN sensors and CAN scripts or download ready-made configurations from VEGA server;
- Set up a block and cloud monitoring service (WIALON or any other, including your own);
- Now you can receive max the maximum possible number of parameters from the car (if the necessary data is not in the 1st bus, then they can be received from the 2nd or 3rd if these parameters are even present on the network), receive additional information about the car (VIN, fault codes , diagnostic information) using special sensors configured on the basis of a «request-response»
Maximum vehicle control using three CAN-buses and MT X CAN GNSS Tracker

To implement the solution, you will need one of the devices of the MT X CAN series. The devices differ in some characteristics, for example, the MT X Int device has internal antennas, and MT X LTE has an LTE modem. When you have decided on the device, you must perform the following steps: